Trainee Assignment

What to expect

During your trainee program you will dedicate 70% percent of your time to your assignments. In three rotations of six months, you work on topics that depend on your interests and the area you choose to work in (Energy Systems & Markets, Building & Maintaining or Enabling the Business). You will dive into areas like software development, project management, analyzing market models and creating market reports or the coordination of a construction team. For each assignment you agree on dedicated targets for personal development and performance with your supervisor.

Our departments are always eager to have trainees on their team. By actively reaching out to them and building your network, you will find out that there are many interesting assignments waiting for you at TenneT. The benefit is mutual: you will gain valuable insights from seasoned colleagues and the opportunities they present, while you contribute your fresh perspective, energy, and network across the organization. It is a win-win for everyone involved!

Trainees @ TenneT

"I am a Dutch Trainee currently working abroad as a project lead in a project to find out what ob-stacles exist for Balancing Responsible Parties to provide flexibility to the wholesale market. I am responsible for bringing the project forward within the agreed time, managing the work of 5 other people (3 from an external consultancy company)."

Damiano Dreucci, Trainee Netherlands

"I am currently working on determining the need for additional subsurface investigations prior to the construction phase. I’m responsible for the geographic information system analyses and feel like my colleagues highly appreciate the output I’m creating. I definitely feel included in the team, I really appreciate that I’m being asked for my opinion and I really like the atmosphere in my team."

Lilith Schacherer, Large Projects Trainee Germany

"My task mostly involved monitoring and giving some beneficial feedback about the quality of energy providers that we are working with. Providing an interactive dashboard for my analyzation to make the data more comparable. I had the feeling that my work actual matters, I was even assigned to implement the daily evaluation of the providers and give report to another department in absence of my supervisor. So definitely included."

Mahla Mirzaee Kakhki, Trainee Germany

Interested to join?

Contact our Campus recruiter

Erik Wagemaker, Campus recruiter +31 (6) 14 20 77 23
